Replacement Military Medals, Awards and Decorations
The Government will make a veteran's medals, awards and decorations available for FREE to this statutorily defined group: the veteran and, if the veteran is deceased, then the veteran's father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter and non-divorced, not remarried surviving spouse. This later group of persons is considered for this purpose as the veteran's "next-of-kin." Medals awarded while in active service will be issued by the appropriate service if requested by veterans or, if deceased, their next of kin.
Do you want to give to your grandchildren, and their children, the tangible records of your military service to our country?
Or ...
Are you the father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter or surviving spouse of a deceased veteran – and would like your loved one’s medals to keep as your family’s heirloom to pass from generation to generation?
Then we can assist you in achieving that goal, to acquire your earned medals for your posterity.
Touchstone offers this service ONLY to its customers who have ordered their DD214 or 201 Files. This is a three step process:
- First, order your DD214 or 201 File (add one of these products to your shopping cart).
- Add this product to your shopping cart and checkout.
- Then complete the provided form for each military branch in which you served.
Generally, the government does NOT charge for medal or award replacements, if requested by the Veteran. Only one replacement is allowed per medal or decoration.
There may be a small fee charged for replacements requested by family members of deceased service members.
The length of time to receive a response or your medals and awards will vary depending upon the medal and/or award requested and the branch of service that fulfills your request. The process can take several months (up to one year or longer) due to manning and funding shortfalls for the government departments that fulfill these orders.
Touchstone will direct your requests for the issuance or replacement of military service medals, decorations, and awards to the specific branch of the military in which the veteran served.
However, the first step is to determine your entitlement to each and every award. And that is accomplished with the submission of your DD214.
Touchstone will first obtain your DD214, determine the military service medals, decorations, and awards to which you will be entitled. Our retrieval and review of your original DD214 is our verification that your records support your request; we will process requests only in this manner and, as a result, we cannot base our application on a DD214 not directly retrieved and reviewed by us from a government records repository. We will then make application – on your behalf - to the military branch for the military service medals, decorations, and awards that you would like to have replaced.
Touchstone provides this service only to veterans and their families, and you will receive authenticate Government issued medals, awards, and decorations – upon verification against your military records. These are NOT cheap imitations or blank certificates that you can find on E-bay or on the Net. We also do not obtain medals and/or awards for just anyone who has the cash to purchase. We obtain your DD214, identify the awards that you have earned, and make application for each on your behalf.
We charge only $39 additional to assist you in the preparation and submission of the application(s) for all the awards and/or medals that you request. You can then acquire any or all of the medals, awards and decorations that you choose to replace.